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LMCP Disciplinary Rules and Regulations

1. Students are requested to maintain the highest standard of behavior and discipline both inside and outside the College.

2. They shall strictly observe the disciplinary rules framed by the College. Violation of which will be dealt with by the Director in the manner she/he considers fit and her/his decision will be final.

3. Students shall assemble in the rooms and wait silently for the lecturer. When the lecturer enters the classroom the students shall rise and remain standing till they are asked to sit.

4. No student shall enter the class or leave the class without the permission of the lecturer.

5.Every class in charge and academic advisor keeps a close watch on the students’ attendance, progress, and conduct.

6. Irregular attendance, indifference in regard to classwork and examination, discourtesy towards teachers, insubordination, obscenity in word and act, willful damage to College property, anti-social activities, etc are liable for disciplinary action which includes expulsion from the College.

7.Attendance to the College functions like association meetings, College assembly, seminars, group discussions, Industrial visits, Viva Voce, etc is obligatory to all students.

8.Without the permission of the Director, students shall not organize any activities or associate with any outside group concerned with the College.

9.No meeting shall be convened, no outside person shall be invited, no publication shall be issued and no canvassing and mobilizing of the students for any particular purpose shall be made without the permission of the Director.

10.The Director shall have the power to expel any student from the College if the student is guilty of serious misconduct or the student’s presence in the College is injurious to the order and discipline.

11.During class hours the permission of the lecturer is needed to move from one seat to another or to leave the room.

12.There is nothing that can substitute for self-discipline and a serious devotion to duty, a spirit of respect and love for all that is good, noble, and beautiful in life. The College expects students to keep their vision high and solicit the cooperation of the parents to minimize the necessity of enforcing rules and regulations.

13.Students are expected to treat the College as its own and to cooperate in its efficient and smooth running.

14.Loitering and wasting time on the College campus and canteen, corridors causes indiscipline on the College campus and that must be avoided.

15.To ensure that students maintain complete silence in the library.

16.To maintain proper discipline in the college canteen and student waiting room during the college working hours.

17.The Campus is a 'NON SMOKING CAMPUS' and disciplinary action will be taken against any student who violates this rule.

18.Students must park their vehicles only in the space allotted. They should not bring four-wheelers to the campus as they arrive for classes. 

19.Do not stick posters/graffiti/notice/banners on the walls both inside or outside the campus.

20.Inform college officials of any undesirable/suspect activity on the College Campus.

21.Hand over any lost item found in the College Campus to the administrative office.


1.   Use of phones, cameras, etc…is prohibited during class hours inside the campus. If found in contravention, they will be confiscated.

2.   Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the library, examination.

3.   The students should not use mobile phones while attending Seminars, conferences workshops, functions, and other activities of the campus.

4.   Laptops must be used only for the purpose of education.

5.   Laptops must be used as a tool for education. If used for any other purposes like watching movies, surfing social sites, immediate action will be taken.

6.   Mobile phones must remain in silent mode inside the campus.(Off means off-not even vibrating mode).

7.   Mobile phones can be used during lunch hours.

8.   Mobile phones must not be charged inside the classrooms.

9.   If your mobile phone/ Laptop is lost or stolen, the college will not be responsible.


1. All the students should wear their ID Cards while they are on campus and in their respective classrooms.

2. In case of any misbehavior or violation of the college rules, the ID cards of the students will be kept with the Disciplinary Committee Members till the inquiry is over. Reissuing lost replacement cards requires an additional replacement fee.


1. As part of the total discipline at the campus, a dress code has been prescribed for all students.

2. The students shall wear College uniforms every day. The approved style of wearing a uniform should be strictly followed. Any exemption will be notified by the authorities.

3. In case of any violation of dress code or disturbance in the class, the ID card will be confiscated from the student which will be handed over to the student on the same day with a warning and advice from the Disciplinary Committee Members.


Class timing is from 10:00 a.m. Latecomers can enter the class only if permitted by the lecturer. They may be marked present by him/her at the end of an hour only if there is sufficient reason for being late.


1. A student is eligible to write the internal or external semester/annual examination only when he/she has a minimum of 85% attendance in each subject and in aggregate of all the subjects. 

2. Students with attendance below the required level will not be permitted to appear for the end semester/annual examinations. 

3. Leave of absence from College must be applied for previously. The general terms of excuses such as 'some business', 'Personal work', and 'sick' are not sufficiently explicit.

4. The leave letter should be duly signed only by the parents.

5. Absence from class up to 5 days needs to be justified with the Class mentor. The HOD's clearance is required in addition to the Class mentor if absence ranges from 5 to 6 days.

6. In case of absence for more than a week, the student shall obtain permission from the Director to enter class. In case of sickness, a medical certificate is to be submitted.

7. A student who falls short of 85% attendance in any month will be required to meet the Director with his/her parents.

8. A student, who is continuously absent for more than 15 days without intimation, is liable to have his/her name removed from the register or cancel the admission.


Discipline Incharge

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Lucknow Model College of Pharmacy, Lucknow

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